Monday, June 29, 2009

Phew! What a scorcher!

I hear that the UK has had an unseasonal hot spell, and this in June! Well, here in Dublin (the US city without a brewery) we've had a scorcher of a weekend too, all of 107F, yes and we were grateful for air conditioning.

This was our first weekend in Dublin, and since our shipment from the UK is not expected for some weeks, we've had 2 days of shopping. Bed, desk, table, chairs, printer, internet, phone, cutlery, plates etc., bookshelf; thank God for IKEA. Yes, IKEA. In the USA. 'Twas easy, shopping in the morning, filling up the rental RAV4, lunch, then building, screwing, and wielding allen keys during the afternoon. Looks nice now, from my vantage point at the PC in the den (study to you), I can enjoy the fruits of a weekend's work.

I took L to work in the rush hour this morning, west on 580, south on 680, then south on 880 to a Cisco building on McCarthy Blvd, it took about 40 mins. Some observations:
  • Drivers change lanes frequently and at high speed
  • When on the Freeway, entrances precede exits by about 200 yds ensuring frequent lane changing, in practice lane changing becomes exaggerated swerving.
  • Rear indicators are red, same as the stop & rear lights
All this makes for a interesting journey. Even though I am an experienced driver, who drives faster than the average in the UK, for most of the 40 minute journey I did feel that people were driving too fast for the conditions. I'll get used to it, or I'll die trying.

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